When choosing an interviewee for this post, I decided it was time to mix things up a bit by chatting with the brains behind a blog that isn't solely fashion-focussed; that lights up my life from day-to-day; that has a point of difference and has a lot more to offer than just purrrrrretty pictures (although, this one has a lot of those too). 


In Spaces Between
is a beautiful blog by fellow Gold Coaster, Rachel Magahy, who is as down to earth and hilarious as she is intelligent and inspiring. 

Usually, when I visit a blog for the first time, I tend to put it on a mental probationary period during which I will keep checking back to decide whether I'm going to lock in and become a lifelong, dedicated follower... but In Spaces Between is one of the few blogs that had me at hello. 

Not only are the posts full of awesome ideas and inspiration, all of the content is written in a way that makes me feel as though Rachel's my BFF, even though we've actually never conversed in a non techy, Twittery, bloggy environment. If you like 'feel good' posts and would like an amazing 'all-rounder' blog to follow then check it out
here! Pinky promise you won't be disappointed. 


So, without further ado, let's get down to business!

Age, occupation and location? 
I’m (freshly) 29, I work in PR/ Digital Communications and I live by the beach in beautiful Burleigh Heads on the Gold Coast.

When did you start blogging and why? 

I started blogging a bit over 5 months ago. I had this burning desire to create – to write, inspire, curate beautiful imagery and share my thoughts – and the blogging platform seemed like the best way to tie that all up with a pretty bow and present it to the world.

Blogging has stretched me, surprised and delighted me, and connected me with most incredible people. It gets more exciting every day!

Tell us the story behind the name, ‘In Spaces Between’? 

The name In Spaces Between popped up in a conversation I was having with my fiance about my vision for the site. I’ve borrowed from my About page http://inspacesbetween.com/tell-me-more/ to explain below:

Ultimately, In Spaces Between is a reminder. To take pause in the spaces between doing “stuff” – between work, hammering it out on the treadmill, toggling between 10 screens on the computer whilst wolfing down a salad sandwich – to consciously do the things that make us smile from the inside out. Creative stuff. Heart-opening stuff.


What are some of the best blogging experiences or perks you’ve had to date? 

Meeting inspiring people I might never have met otherwise definitely tops the list! I’m also starting to do some work with brands I’m passionate about (from stationery to beauty and skincare) and was lucky enough to be photographed and featured in the Gold Coast Magazine as a “Blogger on the Rise” when my bloggy baby was just two months old.

In your opinion, what makes a good blog? 

For me, unique and compelling content (that inspires me or teaches me something new), a well-thought out, clean design, great photos, a big injection of personality and an undercurrent of positivity are the things that keep me coming back for more.

I love the fact that you post often. How do you make time to blog?
I’ve had to be pretty disciplined and make some sacrifices to get my blog done around a full-time job, planning a wedding and having a life away from the computer. I write almost every night after work (or squeeze in some time before work) and generally one day on the weekend. Sometimes life gets in the way and I have to pull back a little and honour my limits, but I always try and keep my readers in the loop if that’s the case.

Where do you find inspiration and ideas for blog posts? 

Everywhere! I’m a self-confessed inspiration junkie and my ideas comes from things that are playing on my mind, books I’m reading, magazines, juicy conversations, experiences or treasures I discover online.

Inspiration lurks everywhere, and as I’m starting to realise, it often strikes at the most random times. I use Evernote
www.evernote.com to keep all my thoughts and ideas in one place (you NEED to get this app if you’re a chronic list-taker) and my one wish is for more time to write all the posts I conjure up in my head.


Do you think people should blog simply because they love it? Or should it be looked upon as a business? 

Totally depends on what your “desired end result” is. There a few different ways to approach blogging and I think the most important thing is to ask yourself from the outset:

“Why do I want to blog?”

If you’re stuck in a boring job and simply need a creative outlet to keep you sane, then my advice is to start a blog as a passion project on the side and see what happens as things progress. You may find you lose interest, or that after six months you’ve fallen head over heels for this blogging caper and you start looking towards new challenges and seeking out opportunities to expand.

On the other hand, if you’re stuck in that boring job and want out fast, you’re inner entrepreneur might have grand plans to create an online empire, and starting a blog can be a great way to test the water and connect you with influential people/ help you win clients/ reach a wider audience.

Word of warning though:
it takes time and making a decent living off blogging alone is pretty rare these days. I think it’s important to emphasise that blogging is a hard slog that definitely won’t earn you a quick buck!

With all that in mind, I’m an eternal optimist and an advocate of livin’ big so to anyone that has a voice in the back of their head telling them that they kinda maybe sorta might like to give this blogging thing a go, my advice is just start. Write about what you’re passionate about. Stay positive. Be creative. Share the love. You never know what could come of it!

You often blog about ways to live a healthy and fulfilling life. Can you think of three lifestyle tips (or quick fixes) that everyone should try?

Move your body: For the endorphin rush, for clarity and because exercise makes you look good and feel freakin’ amazing. Bonus points: do it first thing in the morning (and I mean early, I get up between 5 – 5:30am daily). You’ll be buzzing all day!

Practice gratitude:
We load the love up high every Wednesday on my Making Me Happy http://inspacesbetween.com/category/making-me-happy/ posts on In Spaces Between, which is where I post on the things I’m thankful for and the things that are bringing me joy each week. Sitting down to write those posts on a Tuesday night is my favourite part of the week. Get grateful, baby!

Switch off:
I’m definitely guilty of checking my Twitter/ Facebook/ email as soon as my alarm goes off… and I’m trying to stop. I feel so much better when I throw in the occasional technology-free day or step away from my iPhone. It’s nice to let my own thoughts pop into my mind without filling them with everyone else’s before my day has even begun.


I know you’re a diehard rosehip oil fanatic. Are there any other natural remedies you swear by?
There’s a plethora of them, but here are my faves:

I pop 6 caps a day for energy and clear-headedness. Lauded as the most nutritious food known, Spirulina is loaded with antioxidants, omegas, and a truckload of essential vitamins and minerals. I love the Hawaiian Pacifica brand. If you’re interested, this article http://www.thewellnesswarrior.com.au/2011/10/super-spirulina/ from Jess at the The Wellness Warrior lists all the benefits.

Coconut Oil:
I cook my vegies with it, add it to smoothies and put it in my raw choc date balls. http://inspacesbetween.com/health-wellness/raw-bliss-balls/ Coconut oil is awesome for sugar cravings, can help you lose weight and isn’t damaged by heat when used in cooking (unlike good ol’ olive oil and it’s oily friends). For more, Sarah Wilson has written extensively on the benefits of coconut oil. http://www.sarahwilson.com.au/2011/11/why-i-get-excited-about-coconut-oil/

Chia seeds:
I throw chia seeds in smoothies and mix into the date balls I mentioned above, sprinkle on salads or have them straight out of the glass mixed with water. Awesome for glowy skin and shiny hair.

I adore this all-natural Aussie skincare brand. A bit on the pricier side (it’s sold in luxury spas around the world) but worth every penny!

I also drink water like it’s going out of fashion and when I’m feeling foggy, nothing beats a salty ocean swim.


Can you list three of your favourite reads?

Ooh tough question! I’m a massive reader and have been on a book buying bender of late but the judge of a good book in my opinion is the Can’t Put It Down factor. A few of the books I’ve devoured in a day or two are Bird By Bird by Anne Lamott, Eat Pray Love by Elizabeth Gilbert, Mama Mia by Mia Freedman and I’m about to read Opium Nation, which sounds super interesting. I’m a huge fan of biographies or books on positive thinking/ personal development.


What are three things you wish you owned right now? 
I’m pretty content right now but if we’re going to get all dreamy, I’d love an apartment in NYC, a round-the-world plane ticket and an Audi Q5 would do the trick.

The Chronicles of Her is... 

Smart, stylish, devilishly good looking and totally endearing. Together, you'll stay up all night painting your nails in shades of neon, taking photos and ruminating on life and love and everything in between. She's the girl that mixes lace, lipstick and literature, and although her feet are planted firmly on the ground, she's a wanderer at heart with big dreams of livin' large!


All images sourced from http://inspacesbetween.com
